Welcome to the start of a new academic year. Our new children have settled in well and forming new friendships and our returning children are full of stories from their summer adventures.
We are now in our Autumn Term and the Owl children have been noticing, and discussing, the seasonal changes. To enhance their learning the children went on a walk around the school grounds to find some fallen leaves and other autumnal items.
Despite the inclement weather the Owls spirits were not dampened, and they donned their waterproofs and wellingtons before setting out. The children are encouraged to try and do this independently as it helps to develop their self-help skills.
The children used some great observational skills to look around and find places where the leaves might be, such as around the trees and bushes. When collecting leaves, we discussed all the different sizes and shapes which gave the children a chance to use some mathematical language. We also looked at all the different colours that the leaves had turned.
As well as all the different leaves the children also enjoyed finding conkers both in and out of their shells, feathers that the children said had been dropped by the birds and twigs from the trees. The children were able to work together in small groups to find the items and communicated well throughout. This gave the children a chance to re-establish friendships from last term and form some new ones too.