Autumn fun

What a busy week it has been again for the Owl children. After they enjoyed collecting leaves around the school grounds previously, we went down to our Outdoor Learning area to see what other signs of Autumn we could find. The children were provided with iPad’s and encouraged to take photographs that show signs of autumn.

Some of the children took some fantastic pictures of the seasonal changes they found…

while others decided to use the iPad’s to take photographs of their friends…

or take some brilliant selfies.

However the children chose to interact with the tablets, they all showed that they can use technology for its intended function and are curious about how it works.


The children were fascinated by all of the different colours they saw while exploring outside. To extend this interest and learning we added some Autumnal coloured paints and leaves in the Atelier for the children to explore and investigate.


This gave the children a multi-sensory experience as they were able to see how the paint changed and mixed with other colours as they moved it around with their hands, as well as exploring the textures. The Owls were also encouraged to use their language to describe how the paint looked and felt while being introduced to new descriptive words.


A provocation was set up in the Atelier which provided an opportunity for the Owl to investigate different food items, such as rice, oats and peas. As some of the children were pretending to make cakes, we decided as a group to bake real chocolate cupcakes to eat for snack. Baking gives children a chance to think mathematically by weighing and measuring ingredients and also gives them chances to observe cause and effect as the ingredients mix and change.

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